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In chapter 8: From School bus to Classroom, the RAMI team play

a business simulation called a serious game.

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What is it ?

The Fresh Connection: A Demand Driven S&OP Experience is a realistic simulation game of a supply chain management situation.


The concept is simple: A business is in trouble and you have to fix it with your 3 teammates.


In addition to developing team spirit, it allows a better understanding of the financial issues of Supply Chain management.  The experience also strengthens technical knowledge in Purchasing, Production or Sales allowing a better collective decision-making.


This one day workshop enables you and your team to experience and try implementing DDMRP buffers.  Participants experience the positive impact of buffer implementation in a risk-free environment.


The workshop discusses the broad concepts of Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP) buffer methodology, introduces the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise Model and the 4th buffer type: skills buffer.


Experience an S&OP process to discover how implementing buffers in a budget constrained environment, typical of the real-world, can still deliver high service level expectations while systematically reducing inventory investment AND achieving an expected Return on Investment. The experience provides a platform for organizational change management, builds confidence for your DDMRP implementation project and is relevant for leadership and/or operational staff. 


This workshop is co-branded and fully endorsed by 

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The objectives of this serious game are:

- Replace a silo operation with the Sales & Operations Planning collaborative approach process
- Improve participatory decision-making for short, medium and long term horizons
- Discover how to translate a strategy into a tactic and then into an operational action plan
- Demonstrate the impact of effective supply chain management on profitability

- Explore the potential for quick wins utilizing buffers

- Learn how to align continuous improvement projects with resources

- Adapt the tactical planning and the buffers depending on your strategy

Designed by

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the  team

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Supply Chain

















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VP Finance is on holidays


After you analyse the Profit & Lost (P&L) statement, are you able to take decisions along the Supply chain with your team of VPs in order to increase the ROI?

After sizing the Stock Buffers according to your strategy thanks to your DD S&OP process, are you able to anticipate your ROI? 

1 day

Several teams of 4

1  mission

Be among the first teams recruted by Bob, the CEO of the company The Fresh Connection to experiment the Demand Driven S&OP process to make the business competitive again.


For organization of in house workshops : Contact Us


To know more about the public workshops location and dates around the world consult:

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Hi, I am Bob, CEO for the Fresh Connection.

I am going to introduce  the challenges of the company...

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Caroline MONDON co-designer of the workshop
explaining (in French) why Lean, Total Productive Maintenance, SMED, Solving problems training are useful to accelerate the flows.


Tracy CHEETHAM co-designer of the workshop 
explaining in details the value of this business simulation during the DDWorld conference in Frankfurt in 2018.


"Here's a good way to stimulate teams through play while training them. And the winners aren't always those who spend the most time on it: pragmatism and simplicity are the order of the day." - Elisabeth PHILIPPE


"Excellent way to experience the impact supply chain can have on company performance!" - Olivier BUTEL


"This stimulation, which fully integrates Demand Driven techniques, is perfectly suited to raising awareness among Management Committees." - Hervé BELLANDE

Caroline MONDON
Instructrice DDI - Trainer qualifiée TFC

Ingénieure, administratrice de société certifiée.

Co-designer de la workshop 'The Fresh Connection, a DDS&OP Experience' et de la formation DDI : Demand Driven Supply Chain Fundamentals. Instructrice Demand Driven Planner (DDP).


Expériences : Directrice d'usines en mécanique et électronique. Directrice Supply Chain en multinationale de l'automobile (dont 4 ans au Maroc)


Certifications internationales en Supply Chain Management : CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, DDPP, CDDL.

Décorée de l'ordre national du mérite en 2008

Décorée de l'ordre national de la légion d'honneur en 2014

Auteure d'un roman policier pédagogique sur le management agile de la chaîne logistique en PMI, 3ème ed. AFNOR "Le chaînon manquant". Prix spécial Promotion des principes Qualité Performance en 2009.

Publication de la version DDMRP en 2016 aux USA par Industrial Press.


Animatrice de séminaires dans 4 continents avec le serious games The Fresh Connection dans des comités de direction de multinationales automobile, aéronautique, luxe… avec focus sur l'augmentation de la compétitivité face à des marchés complexes avec le décloisonnement des fonctions grâce au processus Sales & Operations Plan (S&OP).


Easy explanation on how to set-up buffers to have a quick impact on the company benefits.It was much easier to understand the DDMRP parameters and how to change it to impact the company's benefits vs conventional planning parameters.



The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  


JANUARY 28, 29, FEBRUARY 4,5, 2021

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  


JUNE 10, 9, 2020

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  

 Amsterdam - netherlands

OCTOBER 8, 2019

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  


NOVEMBER, 10, 2020

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  

 Paris - france

DECEMBER 12, 2019

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  

 Minneapolis - USA

APRIL 9, 2019

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  


JULY 29, 28, 2020

The Fresh ConneCTion

A Demand Driven S&OP Experience  

 Paris - france

NOVEMBER 27, 2019

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