Frankfurt - GERMANY
October 9&10, 2018
- The course was very profesionnal and what was the best was to express all the detailed action on Rami case that we could follow and implement.
- A good overview of all necessary topics
Frankfurt - GERMANY
October 9&10, 2018
- The course was very profesionnal and what was the best was to express all the detailed action on Rami case that we could follow and implement.
- A good overview of all necessary topics
Frankfurt - GERMANY
October 9&10, 2018
- The course was very profesionnal and what was the best was to express all the detailed action on Rami case that we could follow and implement.
- A good overview of all necessary topics
NEWS 2016, 2017
December 8&9, 2017
Johannesbourg south Africa
October 16&17, 2017
December 1&2, 2017
BPW Conference
Zurich - Swe
October 2, 2017
euralogictic - france
November 20&21, 2017
Book Release
July 20, 2016

Clermont Ferrand - FRANCE
Septembre 3&4, 2018
"Caroline, I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 days. You are passionate about your subject and a great animator. I also liked the “storyline” approach which added a degree of realism. For me Day 1 was almost a replica of the MRP2 based training that we give at our “Plant Supply Academy”….it’s how we do things today, pre-DDMRP. Day 2, as I mentioned to you, I see as an Information rather than a Training - a catalogue of potential DD tools, the majority of which Michelin does not currently deploy. Until Michelin (Thibaut d’H) decides that the Groupe is going to pursue “full” DDMRP it will not be appropriate to pursue this training……as interesting as it is. If we decide to go ahead this course could be envisaged as a basic “I Understand” type lead-in training for managers.
Just how DD S&OP could be adapted for our multi-Business Line, multi-manufacturing sites, complex intercontinental flow situation I am not at all clear……but that is for Thibaut to decide.
" Martin
"1ère partie : très bon résumé de l'état de l'art en SCM (qui inclut manufacturing). Présente rapidement et efficaement les fondamentaux du SCM et présente les outils du SCM (et du Lean) en les mettant au niveau où ils s'appliquent le mieux.
2ème partie (DDMRP et DDS&OP) : bonne présentation des innovations en SCM avec le lien (et les différences) avec les méthodes actuelles. La partie DDMRP est très complète et concrète...
C'est une formation très pertinente dans le cadre d'un projet de (re)structuration de la SC, soit pour un niveau comité de direction, soit pour les fonctions non-spécialistes du SCM, soit pour les personnes en charge de SCM qui cherchent un résumé structuré des bases méthodologiques du SCM."
"La formation reprend de façon relativement détaillée l'ensemble du vocabulaire et des fondamentaux du supply chain management. Pour ma part, extrémement utile dans la mesure ou je n'ai pas suivi le module BASICS."